I studied for a PhD (1995-1998) at Reading University Meteorology Department with Professor Keith Browning, and continued to work there for two years afterwards. A little of of what I did is covered by this page. There's much more detail in my thesis, "Radar observations of mixing within frontal zones", though (and I'm really cursing myself as I write this!) I messed up when archiving things, and have lost a few of the diagrams. I may scan them from the printed version at some date...


Here are some photos (click to get full-size images) I took of clouds perturbed by Kelvin-Helmholtz waves on 5 Nov 2006 on the Isle of Wight. My estimate of the wavelength is approx 1km, but I'm really not sure. It might be possible to estimate by tracking the movement of features in the photos and using the timestamp embedded in the images.

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